Tuesday 5 April 2011

iEngage - Bullying Presentation

During my practicum, we had an excellent presenter and motivational speaker address each member of our school in two assemblies (primary grades and junior grades separately).  Anthony McLean from the Toronto-based organization iEngage (click for the website), provided exceptional workshops for the students in a fun, creative, and informative assembly.  The topic was bullying, and by using Powerpoint, Rap/Music, humour, involvement, and visuals, was able to engage the students in the topic immediately. Check out the website for more information.

His professionalism and ability to connect with the students was incredible.  Furthermore, he adjusted his presentation for the different grades to more suit their age groups and what they would most likely encounter in terms of bullying.  He finished the assembly with each student taking a pledge that says that students will not be silent bystanders and to help stop bullying in their school.  The catchy song presented at the conclusion of his presentation was sung in the hallways and classrooms of the students for days.  A truly remarkable presentation.

Every homeroom teacher received a poster with a copy of the pledge on it and was required to have each student sign their names to hold them more accountable for their actions in terms of bullying.  Furthermore, a CD is given to each school principal to use for further reinforcement, such as during morning messages, other assemblies, and at other occasions.

I appreciate the effort my school has put forward to stop and prevent bullying.  By attending these presentations as a teacher, I was able to reinforce what we learned into the classroom.  By working with this organization, the school is putting a priority on bullying and the other negative issues that arise at schools, of which I commend their action.

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