Thursday 7 April 2011

Professional Feedback

Receiving feedback from professionals in the field of education is very important and crucial to one's learning.  I have sincerely appreciated all the advice, recommendations, feedback, and general communication I receive with the teachers I'm working with, as well as my professors from the university.  During practicum, I was given the opportunity for my professor to observe me while teaching a lesson to my class and at the conclusion of my lesson, we were able to sit down and discuss things in detail and really reflect on my teaching methods. 

She provided information and an alternative view to my teaching, which of course opened up my eyes to another perspective.  I appreciated that she was honest, gave relevant advice, and also was able to showcase areas that she felt were of strength to me.  With appropriate ideas for future lessons and with informative suggestions, I was able to take a lot back from our meetings together to further enhance my teaching abilities. I especially value her opinion as a professional in the field who has been working with children and students for many more years than I have, and who consequently has more expertise in the area.

Using the strategy of "2 wishes" and a star, I also would reflect following a lesson or a meeting with her.  I thought of what I felt were my own strengths and things that I did well, and also critically thought about an area or technique that I could further develop.  I know and understand how vital feedback can be in the realm of teaching and I always appreciate another's perspective on things that I do well, or can improve upon.

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