Tuesday 15 March 2011

Barbara Coloroso

I am currently reading Barbara Coloroso's book "Kids are Worth It" and am finding myself truly inspired by her philosophies. Coloroso is a parenting expert whom I first learned of from a family member who had collected some of her books.  Since then, I have continually heard of Coloroso in my Early Childhood Education and Primary/Junior Education classes.  She is a fantastic author with personable, relevant ideas to help any parent today (even though the book was originally written decades ago).

Although her ideas stem from parenting, it is amazing how much is relevant to teachers and educators.  As usually discussed in my classes at school, teachers / parents usually fall under three types:

1) The Brick Wall parent/teacher - it's 'my way or the highway' and I rule the house/classroom.
2) The Jellyfish parent/teacher - anything goes, whenever, wherever, the kids do whatever because I just want them to be happy
3) The Backbone parent/teacher - provides structure while remaining flexible to circumstances and situations.

I believe we should all strive to be Backbone parents/ teachers.  It is understood that children need structure, support, discipline, and guidance and they will look to the adults in charge for those cues.  It is also important to understand that independence, allowing for children to be critical thinkers and permitting them to question things at times requires flexibility by the authority figure.  It is so critical for us as parents and educators to be both: provide a safe environment for children to feel safe and secure and to take risks, while also providing routines and structures that are beneficial to the family, classroom, and child.

I can hope that as I continue to read more writings by this fabulous author I will continue to establish my beliefs about parenting and teaching in a positive, realistic, and optimistic way.

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